Greenhouse Gas Verification
In new millennium, climate change has been recognized as one of greatest challenge facing nations, governments, business and citizens across world. Climate change has severe implications for both human and natural systems and could lead to significant changes in resource use, production and economic activity. In response, robust initiatives in different scales are being developed and implemented to limit greenhouse gas (GHG) concentration in the earth’s atmosphere. ISO 14064 is one of such global initiatives and Sri Lanka Climate Fund is accredited to verify GHG assertions against that standard.
Types of Greenhouse Gas

Why quantify GHG emissions and removals?
Organization/ Project Level GHG Verification
SLCF conducts Organization/ Project Level GHG verification in accordance with 14064-3 standard. The ISO 14064-3 standard specifies principles and requirements and provides guidance for verifiers conducting the verification of GHG assertions. It can be applied to organizational or project level GHG quantification, monitoring and reporting carried out in accordance with ISO 14064-1 (Organization Level) or ISO 14064-2 (Project Level).
Product level GHG verification
Despite organization/ project level GHG verification, SLCF does eagerly engage in product level GHG verification. As we believe, it directly contributes to promote sustainable business environment in the country. Through product level GHG verification, reporting party is enabled to declare total greenhouse gas emissions generated by a product over different stages of its life cycle.
In quantification of product level GHG emissions, appropriate approach of followings has to be adopted by the reporting party. Verification is voluntary step and it will be done on request of the reporting organization.
A. cradle-to-grave
Considers emissions up from the extraction of raw materials needed to generate the final product, through manufacturing of precursors and the product itself, down to the use phase and disposal of the product.
B. cradle-to-gate
Considers only the way from extraction of raw materials to production.
In response to the need for transparency in the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of products, there are three main Product Carbon Footprint standards which are applied worldwide.
- PAS 2050
- The GHG Protocol
- ISO/TS 14067:2013
Why select SLCF for GHG verification?
Pioneers :
South Asia’s first GHG verification Accredited government owned company -
Professional :
On staff are domain experts and experienced verifiers who understand domain and regulatory issues -
Transparency :
An open, honest and direct communication with clients -
Regulatory records :
Stellar record with regulators- none of our verifications have ever been overturned -
Financial :
NBT and VAT payable free company -
Legitimacy :
Your verification is secured with comprehensive legal agreements with guarantee throughout the one year validity period.
Carbon Neutrality
Carbon Neutral or having a net zero carbon is a term used to describe the state of an entity (such as a company, service, product or event), by balancing a measured amount of carbon released by them with founding an equivalent amount of carbon sequestered or offset, or buying enough carbon credits to make up the difference. Organizations can become carbon neutral by using the credits in Sri Lanka Carbon Crediting Scheme or CDM credits. Our team of experts can help your business achieve carbon neutrality to the leading international standards.